Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Transformation Tuesday! Reposting from the amazing @linxcess013 Before & After: 6 months of work and consistencyI've always had a hard time to be consistently working out in a gym for years(I've had several sports as a kid but didn't really dedicate...
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

KALOS is a one hour group class designed to challenge beginners and advanced individuals to find their inner #SPARTAStrength! Constantly varied but always fun and challenging, Kalos classes use all bodyweight movements to achieve that perfectly sculpted beach body you...
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

3 month progress shot from @miguelechano of Sparta Calisthenics Academy (not seen in photo: Muscle Ups) #ThisIsSpartaPH #spartacalisthenicsacademy #calisthenics – from Instagram
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Beginner group classes for both Kalos (conditioning) and Sthenos (strength) provide all the movements needed to reach your goals in just one hour! Our coaches guide you through each class to keep you safe and to optimize results! .Remember, hard work pays off!...