Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Beat the heat and train without the rain with indoor football! 🤩 Only here at Sparta Philippines!️ #FootballFun #MinusTheSun #BetterToTrain #WithoutTheRain #ThisIsSpartaPH – from Instagram
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Hari Ng Baras video time! In this battle it's Christian Mabeza of MAXBARZ vs Jester Peralta of Barista Street Workout Iloilo! #Calisthenics #ThisIsSpartaPH #HariNgBaras – from Instagram
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Would you entrust your life to an unfit doctor? In this video, Doc Ryan tells us why he thinks it's very important for doctors to be strong enough to lift people, and to be fit enough to do CPR for 2 minutes! Shoutout to all the fit doctors out there for saving...
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

The secret to progressing is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. #Calisthenics #ThisIsSpartaPH #Lsit – from Instagram