by Amanda Fernandez | May 2, 2019 | Updates
Progress is impossible without change and those who can't change their minds can't change anything. 🏽#ThisIsSpartaPH #Calisthenics – from Instagram
by Amanda Fernandez | May 1, 2019 | Updates
This is what getting it done feels like!🏽️ Module 2 of Sparta Football Academy for Kids starts Monday at 10am! See you all there kids! Wear rubber shoes or soccer shoes! #ThisIsSpartaPH #indoorsoccer #FootballField #MinusTheSun – from Instagram
by Amanda Fernandez | Apr 30, 2019 | Updates
Always dab both sides for optimum functionality! Who is working out today? 🏽 #Calisthenics #ThisIsSpartaPH #kidscalisthenics – from Instagram
by Amanda Fernandez | Apr 29, 2019 | Updates
When you enroll in Football, and Calisthenics is life. Make sure to sign up for the last month of Summer Activities for kids! Sparta Football Academy every MWF and Kids Calisthenics every TThS! 🏽🤩️ #ThisIsSpartaPH #Calisthenics #Football #kidscalisthenics #KidsSoccer...
by Amanda Fernandez | Apr 28, 2019 | Updates
Is your "gym" a place of discipline?🤔 Just like churches are places of worship, the place where you work out should be a place to be completely focused and disciplined. We apply this in every single group class by giving punishments to latecomers as well as...