Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Whether you're looking to lose a few pounds, improve your cardio, get more coordinated or even if you just want to try something different, consider trying our Kalos group classes. Not only will you feel better on the outside after just a few sessions, you will...
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Results come with CONSISTENCY! 😎 Here's a progress photo from Marrah, who says she isn't done yet! Get amazing results through calisthenics group classes now and get a jump start on your fitness goals! #calisthenics #ThisIsSpartaPH #spartacalisthenicsacademy...
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

Spotted! #TeamRein at Baguio reppin' Sparta Hoodies! #ThisIsSpartaPH #spartacalisthenicsacademy #sthenos #kalos Coach @reinbarnuevo – from Instagram
Spartan IG Updates

Spartan IG Updates

50% OFF ALL SPARTA CALISTHENICS ACADEMY PACKAGES!!!!! All students must enroll and pay by December 1 and 2 only, and is valid till December 31 only. =D Let's start the Holiday Season with the biggest appetite to achieve YOUR ultimate #SpartanPhysique and...